We have been publishing easy French readers and audiobooks for the second language learner since 1970. Our books reflect a variety of themes and styles, and are written in simple, easy-flowing French, using everyday vocabulary and expressions. Aquila readers are not translations or adaptations: They are original, authentic, age and level-appropriate texts especially written for the young reader of French as a second language. Most of our books are written in dialogue format and will amuse readers with short, humorous stories in everyday situations: School, family, sports, ordering meals, friends, winter holidays, shopping, the environment, anti-bullying, racism, media literacy and many more familiar, everyday themes children, young adults and teenagers can relate to. Books contain an exhaustive French-English vocabulary (optional) and a multitude of activities for comprehension, vocabulary and easy grammar. Our audiobooks – and new audio-visual e-books which feature highlighted read-along text – have been recorded by professional actors playing the roles of the characters in the stories. These audiobooks are A great way to reinforce both reading and listening comprehension. We have hundreds of readers and audiobooks for many reading levels. We invite you to explore our website to read and listen to audio excerpts. Call us direct at 1-800-667-7071 and we will be glad to guide you through our many reading programs. Below is a quick glimpse of the different styles, formats and levels available in our catalogue. Bonne lecture!